Deputy Clerk
Renee Smith

Town of Wheatland
Town Clerk
Laurie Czapranski

Town of Wheatland
P.O. Box 15
22 Main Street
Scottsville, NY 14546
(585) 889-1553 Option 2
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8AM to 4PM
Friday 8AM to 1PM
Monday 6PM to 8PM
Town Clerk's Office
What is the mission of this office?
The mission of the Town Clerk's Office is to preserve, protect and provide access to records placed in the custody of the Office and to provide a wide range of services to the public. The Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerks look forward to helping Town residents with all their local government needs.
What services are provided?
Services provided by the Town Clerk's Office include the following:
Selling New York State Licenses (Dog, Conservation, Marriage).
Issuing handicap parking permits (Town residents only).
Collecting general property tax levies for the Town, County and Special Districts.
Responding to Freedom of Information (FOIL) requests. New York State’s Freedom of Information Law allows members of the public to access records of governmental agencies, including the Town Governments. FOIL provides a process for the review and copying of an agency’s records.
Providing clerical services and record keeping for all Town departments.
Serves as Secretary to the Town Board and other Boards and Commissions, recording complete and accurate proceedings of each meeting.
Performing state-required services for the election process.
Posting legal notices, filing and maintaining a book of local laws and maintaining minutes for support boards and commissions.
Making reservations for public use of facilities at Freeman Park in the Hamlet of Mumford.
See Town Clerk's Office FAQs for answers to common inquiries or contact the Town Clerk's Office with all other questions.
Evening hours have been added for resident convenience.

New York State Licenses
The Town Clerk's Office sells a variety of New York State licenses, including marriage licenses, dog licenses, hunting and fishing licenses.
Marriage Licenses
Couples planning to marry anywhere in New York State may obtain their licenses from the Town Clerk’s office. Both the bride and groom must apply in person. Application must be made at least 24 hours, but no more than 60 days, prior to the marriage ceremony. If either party had been married previously, certified proof of the termination of the prior marriage must be provided (note that copies not acceptable). Both parties must have two forms of identification, one of which must be an original or certified birth certificate, and the other of which must be a current picture ID (applicants are being asked to prove his or her name at the time of birth and his or her name currently). The license fee is $40. Fill out the Marriage License Application Information Form in advance to help expedite the application process. Contact the Town Clerk's Office for an appointment to ensure Clerk availability, either by phone at (585) 889-1553 option 2 or send an email to the Town Clerk's Office.
Dog Licenses
All dogs in the Town that are four months old or older must be licensed annually through the Town Clerk’s office. Dog license applications are available at the Town Clerk's Office. Documented proof of rabies inoculation must be provided, along with documented proof if the dog has been spayed or neutered. The fee is $9.00 if the dog has been spayed or neutered, and $18.00 if not. Dog licenses may be completed by mail, simply fill out the Dog License Registration Form, include the required rabies, and spayed/neutered information with a check payable to the Town of Wheatland. Note that the Town Clerk’s office cannot issue licenses for dogs outside the Town of Wheatland.
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
The Town Clerk’s office issues a wide array of hunting and fishing licenses through DECALS (Department of Environmental Conservation Automated Licensing System). Fees vary depending upon the type of license desired, and discounted fees apply to senior citizens. Proof of adequate hunter training must be provided by first-time licensees. Applicants need not be residents of the Town of Wheatland.

Handicap Parking Permits
Rear-view mirror tags authorizing the use of handicapped reserved parking spaces are issued by the Town Clerk’s office. Both temporary and permanent permits are available. The applicant must provide a certification of the disability from a medical doctor or podiatrist. The Town Clerk’s office does not issue any type of special license plates; these are provided only by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Applicants MUST be residents of the Town of Wheatland.

Voting Information
The Town Clerk's Office is a source of voting information, including voter registration and absentee ballots.
Voter Registration
U.S. citizens 18 years of age and older are eligible to vote, provided they are properly registered. All voter registration is done by mail. Forms are available at the Town Clerk's Office, and may be picked up in person or will be mailed upon request. The registration form must be completed and mailed to the Monroe County Board of Elections, 39 West Main St., Rochester, NY 14614.
Absentee Ballots
Applying for an absentee ballot is a two-step process. Application forms are available from the Board of Elections or from the Town Clerk's Office and must be completed and returned to the Monroe County Board of Elections. The Board of Elections will then mail the ballot to the applicant. The ballot must be filled out and returned before the deadline specified by the Board of Elections.

Property Tax Collection
In accordance with New York State Law and Town of Wheatland legislation, General Property Tax levies for the Town, County and Special Districts are collected by the Town of Wheatland Collector of Taxes starting in January of each year. Refer to a sample General Property Tax bill for descriptions of the tax levies included in the Town and County tax bill.
General Tax Bills
The tax bills are mailed on or about December 31st. The tax bill covers the period of for the upcoming calendar year, from January 1st – December 31st.
Payments can be made January 2 through February 10, without penalty.
Payments made from February 11 through February 28, will have a 1.5% penalty added to the tax bill amount due.
Payments made from March 1 through March 31, will have a 3% penalty added to the tax bill amount due.
Payments made from April 1 through April 30, will have a 4.5% penalty added to the tax bill amount due.
Payments made from May 1 through May 30, will have a 6% penalty added to the tax bill amount due.
On June 1st, all unpaid tax bills are turned over to the Monroe County Treasurer for collection.
The General Tax bill contains levies for the Town, County, and special districts, in addition, if school, village taxes, or water bills are unpaid, they will be re-levied on the General Tax Bill. If a previous owner was receiving an exemption, an exemption payback amount may also appear on the tax bill covering the time period that the new property owner enjoyed a previous owner’s exemption for which they were not rightfully entitled. Contact the Wheatland Town Clerk's Office with any questions regarding the amounts due.
Tax Payments
Payments are accepted in person at the Town Clerk's Office located in the Wheatland Municipal Building, 22 Main Street in the Village of Scottsville, during office hours as indicated above, starting January 2nd. Payments made in person can be made by cash or check. Payments can also be made by mail, send the payment to the Town of Wheatland PO Box 15, Scottsville, NY 14546. Checks should be made payable to Laurie Czapranski, Tax Collector. Taxpayers paying by mail should consider their cancelled check as their receipt. Please do not send cash through the mail.
Third Party Notification
To assist our elderly and disabled residents, third party notification of tax bills is offered. Property owners who are disabled or 65 years of age or older, and own a one, two, or three family home, may designate an adult consenting third party to receive duplicate copies of tax bills and notices of unpaid taxes. In order to receive this service, a third party notification form RP-923 must be filled out and submitted to the Town Clerk, these forms are available in the Town Clerk's Office.
If You Did Not Receive a Tax Bill
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to know that taxes are due. The failure to mail a statement or the failure of a property owner to receive a statement will not affect the validity of the taxes or interest prescribed by law (New York State Real Property Tax Law §922). In addition, neither the Tax Collector nor any other official has legal authority to waive statutory penalty charges. These are fixed by the Real Property Tax Law. If they are waived, the collecting officer will be personally responsible. As all records are audited by State examiners, there is absolutely no discretion in this matter.