Supervisor's Corner
What is the Town Supervisor's Role?
In Wheatland, the Town Supervisor is elected to serve a two year term in office. The Supervisor serves as one of five voting members of the Town Board with all members carrying the same voting weight. Duties include setting the meeting agenda, presiding over Town Board meetings and creating the annual operating budget with the goal being to keep taxes low and the level of services high. The Supervisor often is responsible for carrying out the decisions made by the Town Board.
The Supervisor serves as the administrative leader of the Town Government, including the following responsibilities:
Oversees the everyday workings of the Town, finding solutions to the normal challenges that continually arise.
Works with the Town Board to resolve major issues.
Serves as the primary contact with constituents and other levels of government.
Ensures that the Town of Wheatland is able to respond to emergency situations through planning, preparation and active coordination with local and regional emergency organizations. The Town Supervisor has the authority to declare a Town wide emergency.
Provides leadership in planning for the future needs of the Town.
See Supervisor FAQs for answers to common inquiries.
Town of Wheatland
Town Supervisor
Jim Kirch

Town of Wheatland
P.O. Box 15
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York
(585) 889-1553 Option 9
Office Hours
By Appointment