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News, Notices & Article Details

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Wheatland Closures, New Operating Processes

In light of current events, effective Wednesday, March 18th, the TOWN OF WHEATLAND OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. There will be NO direct contact with the public during this time of public health uncertainty.

Town Clerk's Office. The Town Clerk's Office staff will be working 8:00AM -12:00PM Monday through Thursday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM Monday and closed completely on Friday. The Town Clerk's Office staff will be in the office during these times in order to respond to phone calls and emails, with the ability to access vital records, but will not be working with the public in a one on one basis. Staff will also have the capability to respond to phone calls and emails from their homes from 12:30PM - 4:00PM Monday through Thursday. Please email or call the Town Clerk's Office if you think that an appointment is necessary to take care of your needs so this possibility can be discussed. The decision to permit access will be made on an individual basis. Tax payments can be mailed in to the Town and appropriate stamped receipts will be returned. Call the Town Clerk's Office at (585) 889-1553 or send an email.

Other Town Departments located in the Wheatland Municipal Building. The new working arrangement described above also applies to the Town Building Department and all other departments centralized at the 22 Main Street location, in accordance with department specific published work hours (available under the individual Department descriptions on the Town Website). Note that the Town Court Offices have been closed by the State.

Town Highway Department. THE TOWN OF WHEATLAND HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT IS EFFECTIVELY CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. All residents and vendors are requested to NOT show up at the Highway Garage without a scheduled appointment. At the current time, the Highway Department will generally continue with their normal work as scheduled. The Highway department is managing staff safety by implementing measures of social distancing. The Highway Department telephone number to discuss a concern or make an appointment is (585) 538-6535.

Plans pertaining to the April Town Board Meetings will be communicated as soon as the plan is established.

Thank you in advance for your understanding,

Linda Dobson


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