Local Governments play an important role in New York State, including counties, cities, towns and villages. The Division of Local Government Services is a principal resource for New York’s local governments by providing training and technical assistance to local governments and community organizations throughout the state. Article IX of the New York State Constitution required the State Legislature to enact a “Statute of Local Governments” granting certain powers to local governments. Among the powers granted is the power to adopt ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations; the power to acquire real and personal property; the power to acquire, establish and maintain recreational facilities; the power to fix, levy and collect charges and fees.
Town Government Services and Functions
Every citizen in New York State that does not live in a city lives in both a town and a county. There are two general categories of operations for services provided and functions performed by town governments in New York State:
Services provided and functions performed on a Town-Wide (TW) basis, including services to all villages located within the town (in the specific case of the Town of Wheatland, the Town-Wide category includes the Village of Scottsville). For the services and functions in this category the cost is imposed town-wide.
Services provided and functions performed to specific parts of the town, either to the entire area of the town outside of the town's villages, generally referred to as Town Outside of Village (TOV) or to a specific district or area of the TOV (in the specific case of the Town of Wheatland, the Town Outside of Village category excludes the Village of Scottsville). For the services and functions in this category, the costs are allocated to the areas of the town that receive the specific services and functions.
Towns are not permitted to provide fire services on a town-wide basis. For this function, like many other functions, towns create and administer special districts to levy an assessment on the residents in separate areas of the town to cover the specific cost of that service. These include fire services, which can be provided through a fire protection district or an independent fire district run by commissioners, water and wastewater services, drainage, lighting, sidewalks and other types of specialized services.

Wheatland Town Government
The Town of Wheatland Government consists of elected officials, appointed positions, other Town employees and volunteers who serve on various boards and commissions all supporting the public in an open and efficient manner. The Town Board is dedicated to providing highly effective leadership that aligns the resources available to the Town with the defined needs of the community, while helping to enhance quality of life for Town residents. The Town Supervisor is a voting member of the Town Board, providing leadership for Town Board meetings and serving as the administrative leader of the Town Government.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Town of Wheatland Government to provide all of the Town’s citizens and businesses with the utmost quality of basic services, directed at publicly expressed community needs, at the least possible cost. This includes passionately working in the best long term interests of the community, providing support for a prosperous economic base within the context of preserving and promoting the Town of Wheatland’s distinctive heritage and robust natural environment, stimulating a high quality of life through the essence of a small town.
Services Summary
As described above, there are standard categories of Town Government provided services and functions within New York State. See the lists below for a summary of these services and functions across the defined categories.
Services Provided Town-Wide
(includes Village of Scottsville)
Budget Office
Attorney for the Town
Assessor's Office
Property tax assessment
Annual property tax roll
Support residents with property tax exemptions
Assessment Review Board
Dog Control
Donnelly House
Facilities for Mumford branch of Scottsville Free Library
Emergency Town Office location
Emergency Preparedness
Disaster & Emergency Pre-Planning
Disaster & Emergency Preparation
Disaster & Emergency Management & Response
Disaster & Emergency Recovery
Hazard Mitigation
Knox Box Program
Freeman Park facilities
Highway Department
Snow & ice control for State & County roads (including within the village of Scottsville)
Town, County roadside mowing
Christmas tree recycling
Recreation Department
Swimming programs
Exercise & fitness programs
Sports programs & events
Youth programs & events
Skills development programs
Senior Center
Activities, trips, classes, etc.
Hot meals program
Town Clerk's Office
New York State licenses
Handicap parking permits
Voting information & forms
Property tax collection
Town record keeping
Town Court
Town Historian
Wheatland Municipal Building
Administration & maintenance
Zoning Board of Appeals
Services Provided TOV
(excludes Village of Scottsville)
Building Department
Issues various permits
Building inspections
Fire safety education, inspections
Fire-fighting pre-planning
Special permit inspections
Investigate zoning complaints
Code enforcement
Highway Department
Maintain & improve Town roads
Town road snow & ice control
Trash cleanup services
Brush pickup
Garbutt cemetary mowing
Warren cemetary mowing
Planning Board
Site plan reviews
Conditional use permits
Re-zoning applications
Special Districts
(cover various areas of Town)
Fire Districts tax collection
Wheatland-Scottsville Joint
Mumford Lighting District
Refuse Districts (TOV)
Sewer District (TOV)
Water District
Other Funded Services
(per New York State Regulations)
Contribute to Smith Warren Post for Veterans grave site flags in Town cemetaries
Contribute to Smith Warren Post for annual building maintenance
Contribute Scottsville Free Library