Elected Officials
There are a number of people that are elected to serve the citizens
of Wheatland, from the local Town Government level to the Monroe
County level, to the New York State level and finally all the way up to
the United States Federal Government level. See Elected Officials
FAQs for answers to common inquiries.
For everyone that is eligible, be sure to participate in the election process and help determine the makeup of our governing bodies. Below are the qualifications required to register to vote:
you must be a United States citizen,
you must be 18 years old by December 31 of the year you file a voter registration form,
you must live at your present address at least 30 days before an election,
you must not be judged mentally incompetent by a court and,
you must not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

Town Government Elected Officials
Town Board Member
Tina Stevens

Town of Wheatland
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York 14546
Email Councilman Stevens
(585) 889-1553
Town Board Member
Edward Shero

Town of Wheatland
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York 14546
Email Councilman Shero
(585) 889-1553
Town Board Member
Tim Davis

Town of Wheatland
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York 14546
Email Councilman Davis
(585) 889-1553
Town Board Member
Carl Schoenthal

Town of Wheatland
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York 14546
Email Councilman Schoenthal
(585) 889-1553
Town Clerk
Laurie Czapranski

Town of Wheatland
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York 14546
Email Town Clerk Czapranski
(585) 889-1553 Option 2
Highway Superintendent
Brian Turner

Town of Wheatland
22 Main Street
New York 14546
Email Superintendent Turner
(585) 889-1553 Option 5
Monroe County Elected Officials
Monroe County Executive
Adam Bello

110 County Office Building
39 West Main Street
Rochester, New York 14614
Email County Executive Bello
Phone (585) 753-1000
Monroe County Legislator, 12th District
Steve Brew

New York State Elected Officials
New York State Senator, 54th District
Pamela Helming

New York State Assembly, 133rd District
Andrea Bailey

30 Office Park Way
Pittsford, NY 14534
Email Assemblywoman Bailey
Phone (585) 218-0038 (District Office)
United States Elected Officials
United States Senator
Charles Schumer

United States Senator
Kirsten E. Gillibrand

Washington Office
531 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Phone (202) 224-4451
United States Congressman, 25th District
Joe Morelle

Washington Office
570 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-3615