Town of Wheatland
Dog Control Officer
Frank Saeva

Town of Wheatland
P.O. Box 15
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York
Phone # for dog licenses
(585) 889-1553 Option 6
Phone # for loose dogs
(585) 747-0275
Office Hours
By Appointment
Dog Control
What is the department's mission?
Dog Control is a part time department in the Town of Wheatland. The department's mission to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of its people by enforcing regulations and restrictions on the activities of dogs that are consistent with the rights and privileges of dog owners and the rights and privileges of other citizens and visitors of the Town of Wheatland.
Dog Control Officer
Every licensing town, city or village in New York State must have a Dog Control Officer (DCO) and municipal shelter services. The DCO and shelter service enforce both State and local dog laws and ordinances.
It is the DCO’s responsibility to pick up lost and stray dogs and humanely care for them until the dogs can be reunited with their owners. If your dog is lost or you find a lost dog, contact the Town of DCO or the Town's contract shelter, the Scottsville Veterinary Hospital & Pet Adoptions. If a dog is lost but identified with a New York identification tag, the DCO will contact the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to trace the dog tag to the owner. The DCO will make every effort to respond to requests as quickly as possible. See Dog Control FAQs for answers to common inquiries.

What Dogs Must be Licensed?
New York State dog control law requires that every dog, regardless of age, owned or harbored in the State for longer than 30 days must be licensed in the town, city or village where the dog is being harbored. The following are the only license exemptions:
Dogs under four months of age and not running-at-large (i.e., off the owner’s premises).
Dogs harbored in New York City (these dogs must be licensed by the NYC Department of Health).
Dogs owned by a non-resident brought into New York State for less than 30 days and the dog is licensed according to the resident's state dog licensing laws.
Dogs confined to the premises of any public or private hospital, research institution or a Class A Dealer with a certificate of exemption from the Commissioner.
Obtaining a Dog License
Dog licenses may be obtained at the Wheatland Town Clerk’s Office located in the Wheatland Municipal Building and must be renewed annually. In addition to completing a dog license application the owner will need the following:
If the dog is spayed or neutered - a certificate from a licensed veterinarian or an affidavit from the owner showing that the dog has been spayed or neutered, unless this proof is already on file with the Town Clerk.
All dogs 3 months or older must have proof of a rabies vaccination signed by a licensed veterinarian or a certificate stating why the dog would be endangered by the vaccine.
Cash or check payable to the Town of Wheatland for the appropriate license fee.
After the dog license application and appropriate certificates are filed and the license fee has been paid to the Town, the license will be validated for one year. Each dog is assigned a permanent official identification (ID) number and issued a metal ID tag which is to be attached to the dog’s collar. For guide dogs, war dogs, hearing dogs, police work dogs, service dogs, therapy dogs, or detection dogs as of January 1, 2003, satisfactory proof is required, such as a training certificate, etc. for licenses.

Town of Wheatland Leash Law
The Town of Wheatland Regulation and Control of Dogs is specified in the Town Code, under General Legislation in Chapter 43, Article I. The code defines a leash law for the Town where no dog is permitted to run at large in any public place, street , avenue, road or highway. Dogs are to be confined at all times on a leash no longer than eight feet except when on the owner's property or on the private property of another person with their knowledge and consent.
The owner of any dog within the limits of the Hamlet of Mumford, the Rolling Acres Subdivision and the Clearview Farms Apartments shall not permit their dog to bark, chew, cry, be vicious or playful or defecate in such a way as to cause annoyance to the residents of these areas or damage to their property. The owner of a dog shall not allow their dog to tip over trash cans or other devices used to contain refuse. The premises or enclosures in which any dog is kept shall not be unsanitary or unclean.