Town Departments
The Town Government is organized into multiple departments working together to facilitate efficient and effective operations, with each individual department focused on a specific set of responsibilities and services. The structure and organization of the Town's departments is completely the responsibility of the local Town of Wheatland Government as New York State does not mandate any specific organizational requirements for Townships.

In the Town of Wheatland, each department is responsible for developing an annual operating budget at the department level that is aggregated by the Budget Officer working with the Town Supervisor into a "Tenative Budget", which is presented to the Town Board for consideration. Upon completion of the Town Budget process each department is expected to operate within the constraints of the "Adopted Budget". Careful financial management is the responsibility of each town department leader.
The Town Supervisor has a unique and important role in the Wheatland Town Government working in conjunction with the individual town departments providing administrative leadership regarding day-to-day operations.