Building Department
Why do we have a Building Department?
The Building Department is a resource for the Town of Wheatland regarding development and construction information, as well as providing enforcement of the New York State Building Code and relevant regulations specified in the Town Code.
What services are provided?
The Building Department issues various permits (i.e., building permits, sign permits, operating permits, special event permits), provides enforcement of the New York State Building Code, relevant Town Code and conditional approvals from other municipal Boards. Building Department and Fire Marshal Staff conduct plan reviews and construction inspections for new building construction, alterations and additions of existing buildings and occupancies. Additionally, Building Department and Fire Marshal Staff are tasked with doing required fire safety inspections, operating and special permit inspections, property maintenance inspections and investigating zoning complaints. The Building Department also serves as the development liaison to the Town Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and other Boards and Committees of the Town. See Building Department FAQs for answers to common inquiries.
What are the Fire Marshal's responsibilities?
It is the mission of the Fire Marshal to help prevent and reduce the incidence of fire by increasing the awareness and knowledge of both the Town residents and business owners with respect to fire safety and by ensuring compliance with the New York State Fire Safety Code and applicable regulations of the State of New York as well as the Code of the Town of Wheatland. The Fire Marshal works with local fire districts to furnish and receive information regarding fire hazards, and pre-planning fire fighting procedures on all local building stocks.
Town of Wheatland
Building Inspector
& Code Enforcement
John Terry
Crowley Rech

Fire Marshal
Jay Coates

Town of Wheatland
P.O. Box 15
22 Main Street
Scottsville, New York
(585) 889-1553 Option 3
Office Hours
Mon - Thurs 9AM to 1PM
Evening - By Appointment

Building Permit Requirements
The following provides examples where building permits are required:
Any erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, removal, demolition, conversion or change in use occupancy.
New Single or Multi Family Dwellings.
New Commercial Buildings, additions, renovations, change of use or reconfiguration of space.
Demolition of any building, structure or project that required a building permit to construct.
Mobile homes.
Porches, decks, pool decks, arbors, sunrooms, greenhouses and gazebos.
Satellite dishes (large ones, not DISH network or Primestar receivers)
Garages and carports (attached and detached)
Converting a garage to living space
Finished Basements, Bonus Rooms and any areas previously unfinished
Replacement of any project that required a Building Permit (i.e., deck, shed, pool). Note that all replacement projects must comply with current Zoning and Building Code requirements.
Installation or replacement of a fuel fired appliance (furnace/boiler) including change of fuels.
Heat Pumps, fireplaces, pellet stoves, wood stoves, gas fireplaces, LP gas appliances or fireplaces with inserts and solar thermal systems.
Removal, replacement, installation or abandonment of fuel tanks including propane.
Roofs, decks, porches and entryways- any size.
Any pool capable of holding 24 inches of water (above or in ground).
Hot tubs, spas.
Accessory structures, including, but not limited to: sheds, carports, detached garages, gazebos and greenhouses (note that ALL accessory structures that have electricity must have a building permit).
Any new or additional wiring including but not limited to:
Central air conditioning, Ductless air conditioning, Heat Pumps
Upgrades of electric service
Solar Electric Arrays and Systems
Any changes in configuration or additional piping.

The information contained on this website is provided solely for general guidance and preliminary inquiry. It does not constitute a conclusive representation of the applicable laws, including the Code of the Town. It is incumbent upon any person, party, or entity seeking to commence work within the Town to consult the governing law to determine whether a building permit is required. This information is not a substitute for consultation with a professional architect, engineer, or legal adviser. Although every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided herein, the Town makes no representation for any omission or error contained on this website. Failure to obtain a requisite permit may result in criminal prosecution.
Code Enforcement
The Building Department is the principal code enforcement agency of the Town for many non-police matters. In addition to enforcing local zoning and the New York State Uniform Building and Fire Prevention Codes, which regulate the use and occupancy of private land and structures, the Building Department is responsible for the enforcement of local laws related to exterior property maintenance such as garbage, rubbish, recycling and refuse, street and sidewalk cleaning and maintenance (including snow removal); posting of signs in public rights-of-way and distribution of flyers and handbills.