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Freeman Park in Mumford

Grace Episcopal Church in Scottsville

Town Highway Garage
Highway Department maintains Town roads in the Summer, provides snow and ice control on Town, County and State roads in the Winter.

Freeman Park in Mumford
This website is provided by the local Town Government of Wheatland New York.
The Town of Wheatland is located in a rural portion of Monroe County in western New York State. This website provides for "Everything Wheatland" including: points of interest, upcoming Town events, meetings, programs, services and much more.
Come and enjoy a day in Wheatland with us, sharing in a distinctive blend of historic character and modern day life, making Wheatland a great place to live, work and visit.
Highlights and Contact Info
News, Meetings & Events
WHEATLAND Location & Weather
Town of Wheatland
22 Main Street, PO Box 15
Scottsville, NY 14546
Phone: 585-889-1553
Fax: 585-889-2933
Email: Town of Wheatland
Facebook: Town of Wheatland
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